
Software Entwicklung



Hey, bist vorm Abi? 🔜🎓 Lass uns gemeinsam in die IT-Welt eintauchen! 🖥️🚀

Hey! 👋

Suchst du nach einem coolen Schülerpraktikum im Bereich Software Entwicklung? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! 🎉

Bei der SelectCode arbeiten wir an spannenden Projekten für Startups und den Mittelstand, entwickeln Apps, Webplattformen und bieten auch IT-Beratung an. Jetzt suchen wir DICH als Schülerpraktikant:in für unser Team! 🤓

Was solltest du mitbringen? 🤔

  • Motivation und positive Einstellung 🌟

  • Interesse am Programmieren und Datenanalysen 🔍

  • Spaß an neuen Herausforderungen 🚀

  • Eigeninitiative und Teamgeist 👫

Vorkenntnisse? 🧠

  • Erste praktische Programmiererfahrungen 💡

Deine Aufgaben bei uns: 📋

  • Zusammenarbeit mit unserem coolen Team bei der Umsetzung von Projekten 🤖

  • Brainstorming von Ideen 💡

  • Eigene Projekte auszuprobieren 🧪

  • Teilnahme an Meetings und Workshops 🎉

Bewirb dich jetzt ohne nervige lange E-Mails! Trau dich, fühl dich frei und fülle einfach unser Formular aus. In der Woche drauf bist Du schon bei uns eingeladen!! 📝

Also, worauf wartest du noch? 🕒 Fülle das Formular aus und starte dein Abenteuer bei der SelectCode! 🌐

Wir freuen uns auf dich! 🤗


(Leider können wir für das Schülerpraktikum weder ein Macbook Pro zur Verfügung stellen, noch ist remote Arbeiten (Arbeiten von Zuhause aus) oder die Teilnahme an Firmenveranstaltungen möglich.)

Do you have questions?

Feel free to contact me - you will definitely receive a response within 2 days!

Stephan Le - Head of People & Culture


Do you have questions?

Then feel free to contact me - you will definitely receive a response within 2 days!

Stephan Le - Head of People & Culture


Do you have questions?

Then feel free to contact me - you will definitely receive a response within 2 days!

Stephan Le - Head of People & Culture



What our team members say

"Personal development and the family environment are an essential part of SelectCode."

Niclas Schümann

Project Manager | App Developer

"Personal development and the family environment are an essential part of SelectCode."

Niclas Schümann

Project Manager | App Developer

"Personal development and the family environment are an essential part of SelectCode."

Niclas Schümann

Project Manager | App Developer

"I think it's super cool how many different things I can do every day!"

Gereon Elvers

Lead AI Engineer

"I think it's super cool how many different things I can do every day!"

Gereon Elvers

Lead AI Engineer

"I think it's super cool how many different things I can do every day!"

Gereon Elvers

Lead AI Engineer

"There is a high degree of transparency, and one gets to see what is happening in the individual projects and at the management level."

Kerim Anater


"There is a high degree of transparency, and one gets to see what is happening in the individual projects and at the management level."

Kerim Anater


"There is a high degree of transparency, and one gets to see what is happening in the individual projects and at the management level."

Kerim Anater


"Dealing with problems is very professional. This way, one is not afraid of making mistakes."

Nicole List

AI Consultant

"Dealing with problems is very professional. This way, one is not afraid of making mistakes."

Nicole List

AI Consultant

"Dealing with problems is very professional. This way, one is not afraid of making mistakes."

Nicole List

AI Consultant

"Even as a 100% remote worker, I feel the team spirit and have the opportunity to shape projects on-site. "

Thivya Kanakasabesan

Marketing Manager | Graphic Designer

"Even as a 100% remote worker, I feel the team spirit and have the opportunity to shape projects on-site. "

Thivya Kanakasabesan

Marketing Manager | Graphic Designer

"Even as a 100% remote worker, I feel the team spirit and have the opportunity to shape projects on-site. "

Thivya Kanakasabesan

Marketing Manager | Graphic Designer