5 Tips to Win TUM University’s Hackatum Hackathon
Top 5 tips to win the TUM hackatum hackathon

Are you looking for a fun and challenging weekend? Then look no further than the Hackatum hackathon at TUM University! This event is sure to test your coding skills and problem-solving abilities. In order to compete in this hackathon, you will need to be well-prepared. That's why we've put together a list of five tips that will help you win this event!
What is a hackathon and what do you need to know before participating
A hackathon is a timed event where participants come together to solve complex problems. At the Hackatum hackathon, teams are given 24 hours to create a working prototype of an innovative product or service. Before participating, you should make sure to do your research so that you understand how these events work and what type of coding skills will be needed.
Tips for preparing for a hackathon
Pre-Event Tip 1: Install needed software on your laptop. Make sure that you have all the required coding tools ready to go before the event. This saves some precious time. For most challenges you would need: Some Frontend Setup like Vue.js, React.js for Web or Flutter, Android Studio for mobile app development.
A Backend Language like Python, Java, Node.js. I would recommend to go for Python and PyCharm as the IDE.
Design Tools for Rapid Prototyping are also important.
Pre-Event Tip 2: Practice working in a team. Working together with your teammates is essential for success at a hackathon, so it's important to practice collaborating and problem solving beforehand. Develop strategies for communication and division of tasks among group members ahead of time.
Pre-Event Tip 3: Get to know Low- and Nocode tools for rapid prototyping. No-code tools are important because they allow developers to build prototypes without writing any code. This is a valuable skill, especially for beginners who are just starting out in coding. No-code tools make it easy to get started, and they can be used to create simple prototypes or mockups. By using no-code tools, you can save time and energy while you learn how to code.
Pre-Event Tip 3: Explore other successful hackathon projects.
On DevPost, a platform for hackathons, you can explore many other projects that were already successful on other hackathons. Hackatum also has a directory of the past events and projects here.
During the event: How to win the Hackatum hackathon
Tip 1: Make sure you have a plan
Before getting started, it's important to have a plan of attack. You should decide ahead of time what type of product or service you want to create, how you'll approach the challenge, and which tools you'll use. This will help ensure that your team is on the same page and that you're able to make progress quickly.
Tip 2: Showcase your skills
At a hackathon, it's important to demonstrate your coding skills and problem-solving abilities. Make sure to practice ahead of time so that you can show off what you know. You want the judges to be impressed with your work, so be sure to make it as polished and professional as possible.
Tip 3: Have fun and don't give up
Finally, remember that hackathons are supposed to be fun! And if you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck, don't give up. Take a break, ask for help from your teammates, and keep pushing forward until you find a solution.
Make sure to follow these tips and you’ll be sure to have a successful hackathon experience at TUM University! Good luck, and happy hacking! With the right preparation and knowledge of the event, you have everything you need to make it far. Remember: even if you don't win, hackathons are great for networking and learning. So, get out there and make the most of it!